Lamprey Absolute Encoder
.jpg) A 10-bit absolute encoder specifically designed with a large hollow bore. It generates a true 3.3v or 5v analog output so it can be used just like your favorite analog sensors! It also generates a PWM output and UART stream if you prefer to stay digital. $38.00 Out Of Stock | Custom Waterjet Cutting
 Contact us about custom waterjet cutting services. Custom Order Only |
Revolution Pro 2
 Our fourth generation of Revolution Swerve/Crab drive module. Features a shorter steering column and 1/2" hex input shaft...making propulsion and steering interface simple and straightforward.
$400.00 Custom Order Only | RPi4 Cluster
 A 10-pack of Raspberry Pi 4's Custom Order Only |
4ws/4wd Swerve/Crab Platform
 This platform features four wheel independent steering, four wheel independent propulsion and an 80/20 frame. Approx. $7500 Custom Order Only | Joystick Keyboard Emulator
 Joystick Keyboard Emulator
A custom joystick bridge controller. This particular unit was designed to interface with an Omax 1530 waterjet. Custom Order Only |
Wild Swerve Mobile Platform
 This mobile robot unit was produced to customer specifications as a mobile test bed for brushed DC motor controllers.
Approx. $5500 Custom Order Only | |